Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Daniel Pink's Question

After emailing Mr. pink, a response was recieved: i wonder if somewhere in this process you could pose a question to your students. it's one i've been pondering, but my hunch is that your students will have more interesting answers than i could summon myself. the question would be something like this: If you had to create a new school -- or reform your current school -- so that it better develops the six senses, what one or two things would you do?don't want to throw you off your lesson plan, but i'd love to hear how the young women and men of arapahoe would respond that one. maybe we could talk a little about it during our live blogging or some other venue?thanks again for your great work.cheers,dan
In response to this question, I would have to say that Arapahoe is striving towards utility, but some improvements could be formulated. For instance I can retain information better when a story is used to convey a message. Maybe it would prove beneficial to students such as myself if teachers could reform teaching methods to incorporate more story in the sense that retention rates might escalate, possibly significantly! Our school is good, but sometimes memorization can not be completed effectively without some helpful aid.

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