Tuesday, January 29, 2008

PLJ Portfolio- Symphony

Daniel Pink's sixth chronicle to his book "A Whole New Mind", "Symphony" essentially describes how realizing the holistic nature of things is and will become increasingly more important as time progresses. reform is inevitable; deciphering between the routine and normal is creativity, abstract natures, and the ability to combine deceivingly unrelated material into a holistic being. This is symphony; recognizing patterns, grouping material, and interpreting the holistic image. Symphony is increasing in value every day, and its all due to its nature, difference; it can't be automated, outsourced, and demand is very high in this field, for aptitudes such as these are generally rare. In order to better develop my sense of symphony, Daniel Pink has compiled a set of exercised designed for that sole purpose. The one I plan to complete is titled "Look for negative Spaces"; in this activity, the reader is required to locate significance in "negative spaces" or in other terms, the insignificant part. Negative space can be defined as space between space; its the seemingly unimportant aspect of a picture that is commonly overlooked. This phenomenon is justified in the sense that the majority of people can't comprehend symphonic qualities; the holistic image can't be grasped. That's precisely why demand is staggeringly high, aptitudes similar to symphony are not encountered often.
Back to the exercise, I was instructed to look at a Hershey logo topping off a candy wrapper. There was a certain "negative" space in the picture, but after ten minutes, I still was unable to locate the hidden image. Finally, I asked my more holistically inclined friends and found it in a second; the cumbersome picture was a simple triangle resembling a Hershey kiss. It was found between the K and the I and was pretty cool when realized.
This whole exercise demonstrates and specifically spells out my incapability to be symphonic. When compared to the world primarily consisting of left brainers, the significance and value of symphony is stressed. In order to be successful in the impending future, one must be different, holistic, and symphonic; people who can effectively utilize their right brained capabilities will obviously prevail.


Chris Lara said...

Thank you for pointing this out. After looking at the Hershey's logo for over 20 minutes I gave up and headed to Google. I obviously need to work on my "symphonic" abilities. "A Whole New Mind" is a great read thus far.

Anonymous said...

i spotted the the space between the the k and the I straight away as being the same shape as the logo, but being from the uk had no idea that was a hersheys kiss!!!!
and hept looking for somthing else to no avail!
thanks for restoring my confidence in good ol righty!

Algirdas said...

The most "unexpected and whimsical negative space" (as it is defined in the book), that I was able to found, was a hidden giraffe between letters E and S.
I was not able to see shape of Hershey's kiss between K and I though... :)