Sunday, September 30, 2007

PlN 6

Recently, I have completed reading a post entitled “Missing the science of teaching” located within the contents of the Denver Post blog. O’Brien, the principal of a rural elementary school situated in Colorado, stated that her school devoted five hours a day to math and English in an attempt to raise the insufficient CSAP scores that the school had previously achieved. As a result, science was neglected and the scores in that field plummeted. Today, science is in jeopardy; it is on the verge of expulsion from the required curriculum of Colorado. Presently, administrators perceive the issue as one to be simply neglected because the teachers who major in science are scarce and the student body as a whole despises the subject. There is a very accurate quotation by Thomas Edison that states “The reason most people do not realize opportunity is because it goes around in overhauls looking like hard work”. This quote is absolutely correct when related to this crisis. Administrators do not realize that a sufficient knowledge of science in a person can, in turn, go a long way. Yes, it will be hard work to better educate today’s teachers on the so- called “hard” subject, but the total outcome of the action will outweigh the effort. Scientific discoveries in the world make its inhabitant’s lives greater. More scientific advances could be made with the reintroduction of a rigorous science curriculum in Colorado’s schools. Because of this, society would be greatly benefited. Science is the way to go!

To link to the origional artical by the Denver Post, click here!

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