Sunday, September 23, 2007


During my standard inspection of available blogs, I happened across a post confined within the “weblogg- ed” blog. In it, Will Richardson posted his favorite picture from an excursion of China. The picture depicted an old woman who stood in a doorway holding a crudely carved chair. The woman portrayed in the picture was also noted to be wearing a traditional Communist uniform. This underscores the fact that China still poses a threat to democracy around the globe. The majority of people still believe that with the abolishment of Communism in the largest nation on the planet, the whole belief went with it. This idea is incorrect; although Communism in the Soviet Union collapsed, its partner in crime (China) did not suffer the same consequences. Entire wars have been fought regarding the idea of Communism; I for one do not wish to become involved in a conflict with China. As I progressed through the blog post, I noticed Will also began to discuss the lack of gas stations in one Chinese city to which he ventured (Shanghai). In the article, he stated that he did not see any gas stations at all in the largely populated city. This is curious because China’s Shanghai tops the charts at a population of nearly twenty million; many of these are drivers; where do they obtain their gas? If asked to provide a logical explanation for the question, I would reason that the government of China provides each family with a supply of gasoline that can be utilized to fuel cars or other appliances. The article also explores one of the more painful aspects of China’s government, the one child edict. Because of the country’s over excessive population, each family is only permitted to raise one child. The extras are then adopted by other willing families. A cruel concept this is, to separate mother and child is very agonizing to me.

To link to the origional post click here

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