Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Recently, I have completed an article on the issue of technology in classrooms today; it is entitled “Classrooms for the Future”. Presently, schools in Pennsylvania have been introduced to many different technological devices, many of which are implemented in our English classroom. They include laptops, printers, cameras, projectors, and more. Many aspects of technology in classrooms matter; they are the following. With the establishment of a technological learning environment in classrooms, students will be able to freely express themselves. Opportunity to express themselves will be presented through the assignment of tasks that are to be completed through the usage of the available technology. This is so because unlike the previous pen and pencil, students are not confined to just a flat surface, they have the potential to go beyond and excel into the next dimension. With the introduction of technology in the classroom, students would be capable of carrying out anything they desired in order impress their teacher; every student possesses opinions on how their project should appear, so every project or assignment would appear different from any other. This is very resourceful from a teacher’s point of view, for it tests a student’s knowledge of a subject truthfully. As stated previously, students will not be confined to only questions on a paper; they may utilize this advantage and accurately paint a picture of their own abilities with new opportunities a technological device presents; they will become the governors, not the paper. This will, in turn, inform the teacher of their level of proficiency in that subject. There are no lies; questions on paper may be deceiving, but once this knew opportunity (in the form of assignments to be completed with the use of technology) is exploited in classrooms, students will receive more accurate grades and teachers will understand students more thoroughly too. These two advantages of technological classrooms are key because they both determine where a student will be in the world. Only by achieving sufficient grades will a person succeed in the world, the idea of receiving accurate grades can sometimes be the boundary line between failure and success. Teachers must also know their student’s abilities in order to decide whether to fail them or pass them. This too can be very influential in the grand scheme of life, for it, in some cases, governs whether a person is a failure or a successful person. On the world’s stage, technology within classrooms is very significant for the reasons stated above. Teachers of the present day are beginning to realize the benefits of technological expression (as stated above). They are therefore incorporating such devices (such as laptops, printers, and projectors) into classrooms. Our very own English class is a great example of this alteration from olden- day methods to more modern ones because technology is visible in the form of laptops, projectors, and more. Maybe some day, the world will primarily rely on technology for education. Because of its worthwhile benefits to teachers and students alike, technology should be implemented in classrooms around the globe.

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